To live in Happiness and Get LIBERATION One must see AMMA VASANTHASAI atleast once in ones life


Amma in Premasai Avathar period

Amma in Premasai Avathar period

Amma's Padam

Amma's Padam
Surrender and get Liberation

Amma Blessing

Amma Blessing
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I am deeply interested in liberation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

. After going through the book, “Liberation! Here Itself Right Now!" Vimala from SriLanka and Nirmala from London, met me at Vadakkampatti. Later they proceeded to Puttaparthi. They had been writing to me frequently. Nirmala had lot of problems in her office. When she needed relief I prayed to Swami.
He wrote

“Om Sri Sai Vasantha Saiesaiya Namaha”
on a piece of paper.
Will there be any need for another solution? Nirmala's troubles disappeared in no time.What Swami wrote for her on 23-5-98 is useful today for all people.Nirmala was also suffering from Asthma for nearly ten years. This mantra cured her of this illness also. In addition, she has some trouble in her eye. It started when she was thirteen and even when she was fifty five. There was severe pain and irritation in the eye. Tablets and eye drops could not help her. The doctors of SriLanka, India and London could not help her. She had been to a doctor on 29-6-98 to consult him regarding this problem. While waiting for him, she started chanting this mantra between 12.30 and 1.30 noon. When the doctor examined her, she had already sensed relief. She felt extremely happy. All her major problems could be solved one by one by the same mantra. Her sufferings in the office were unimaginable and they were the result of racial discrimination. People were treated like animals by the racial fanatics. I prayed to Swami intensely for her. I even went to the extent of saying that Swami could completely take away any power or Prema, I had, so that she would get relief. Finally, she got it!When there is Bhagavan who returns Prema for Bhakthi in abundance, why is it that people are hesitating to approach Him? He is only waiting for these people when they would turn away from worldly pleasures and look to Him for guidance. He is always ready to help.We are not prepared to analyse and find out the reason behind all our troubles. Everyone who reads this book must start thinking Why was I born? Why do I grow? What have I achieved? Where do I go? Why do I like this life, only to be born and die again and again? Only to be wriggling like worms in a gutter? Are we satisfied with this wretched life? We never go beyond, do we even think of a life better than this? A goal better than this? Why? Why?We were born only to reach a state when we would not be born again. Awake! We need Bhagavan's help for this.

Even if you pray to Him once wholeheartedly, He approaches you immediately.
The Maha Prabhu would release us from the clutches of our turmoil and open the gates of the right highway. But please open the gates of your mind a little. Then feel for yourself what happens! After letting in God, feel for yourself what happens! Our life would change entirely. Our thoughts would be purified. Our very nature would definitely change for the better. We would be awakened and get atma darshan. Then what else is there to be attained? Everything is an ocean of bliss onlyThe Kailash and Vaikunta would come to your place; yes, in search of you? We would feel as though some one is showering baskets of flowers on us. A divine music would start flowing from our hearts.These are not magic descriptions with words. They are absolute Sathya, absolutely experienced.
Try, Try again and again, why not get submerged in the flood of eternal bliss!
(Taken from the book "Prema Nivarana Sai")