Books in English by Sri Vasantha Sai
Liberation Here Itself Right Now
part one
Liberation here and now is to free from the clutches of worldly life whilst still in the body. The book shows Sri Vasantha Sai’s inner journey towards this goal.
It reveals her supreme Prema bhakthi for Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
“When the love for the Lord reaches its peak, a Mirabai, Radha or Andal is born. The devotee is happy to live for the sake of God. Day and night she lives for her Lord. One moment she cries thinking of the separation. The next moment she laughs that the Lord is near her.
For her, worldly activities or pleasures have no appeal. No attraction can entangle her. Her world is separate and unique. She creates a new world where she makes her Lord the Emperor and she herself becomes the queen and lives in it.”
Reincarnation of Radha as Vasantha Sai
In an interview with Professor S. P. Ruhela, Sri Vasantha Sai talks about her life of devotion and sadhana, her unique visions and meditative experiences.
“The feelings of separation from the Lord are the main theme of the many poems I have written from my young age. I always cry thinking of Him. I want to merge with Him. This is my intense desire.”
Radha Krishna Sangamam
Radha was in blissful union with her Beloved Lord Krishna. Sri Vasantha Sai tells in this book how we should use the human birth to attain divine oneness like Radha.
“In the naadis it is the mentioned that I will have the darshan of the three murthies and be blessed with their powers. These words have come true!”
Liberation Here Itself Right Now
Part two
An individual soul realises oneness with Prakrithi, the Creation!
Sri Vasantha Sai speaks about many subtle truths governing the law of Karma, the nature of pure love for God and the secret of seeing God everywhere. Those who examine the book carefully will experience an awakening and desire to scale new heights in spirituality.
“In God consciousness, one gets bliss, ecstasy, Brahmananda. It is as if one has opened a locked door and been led inside; all the secrets of creation, the hidden meaning of Veda and Vedanta become crystal clear.”
Sai Gita Pravachanam
This book uses the practical experiences of the author to explain the slokas of the Bhagavad Gita. She shares with all the lessons of the great epic that the Lord Himself has taught her! The simple and clear presentation of great spiritual truths inspires one to practice the yogas in daily life!
“Our worries and tears cannot change what is predetermined. Shed those tears for God instead; convert worry into a request for His darshan. Instead of shedding tears for the world, shed them for God. Turn family attachment into Prema for God.”
Liberation Here Itself Right Now
part three
The author Sri Vasantha Sai is a Jeevan Muktha, who has attained spiritual merger with her Beloved Lord, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This book was written in the state of complete union, Sayujya Mukthi. It is one more jewel with her many divine experiences. It shows not only a new way to devotional life but also unveils many secrets regarding the Sathya Sai Avatar and Prema Sai Avatar.
“I have sculptured the form of Sathya Sai in my heart and have given it life. He is the Lord who has been given life by my love, my yearning, my tears, my soul and blood.”
Brindavan Satsang
A selection of discourses by Sri Vasantha Sai recorded in 2002 at Whitefield. This satsang was after her merger in the state of Pure Consciousness with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Vashista cave. Collect these pure pearls of devotion, wisdom and love for deep contemplation.
“Give love to the last breath, melt your body like a candle that gives itself to the flame, let the light of Prema spread throughout the world.”
Bliss Bliss Bliss
Part One
This book marks the beginning of the second half of Sri Vasantha Sai’s journey; leaving her ancestral home, she came to live in the Mukthi Nilayam Ashram. Here her vision of the New Age, Sathya Yuga unfolds. The contents are different, a novel offering of the author’s love for her Lord.
“Normal beauty tips and therapies do not beautify the heart and mind. To remove the dirt and impurities that hide the atmic beauty, step into the Mukthi Nilayam inner beauty parlour!”
Bliss Bliss Bliss
Part two
This book chronicles Sri Vasantha Sai’s first year in Mukthi Nilayam and takes the
reader on a voyage of bliss and wonder, yearning and courage, dispassion and sacrifice. Read also about the great revelations of Sage Kaakabhujandar on the pillar of Truth, the Mukthi Stupi built in Mukthi Nilayam.
“The Mukthi Stupi is the bridge between earth and heaven. The path
Of Mukthi to attain God is laid. Even wicked alcoholics will be redeemed.”
May 27 to May 27
The book sketches a year in the life of Sri Vasantha Sai when she had to face severe tests to her resolve. The author states that even diseases are divine and the suffering of the physical body can be used for the annihilation of the karmas of the world!
“The skin itching and weeping was more, especially during the night. Both hands were thorny like jack fruit skin. The whole night I cried, ‘Swami, Swami, the skin is
burning’. Even though I did not sleep, I would rise early in the morning to go for
Miracle Maya
Part one
“Worldly maya? I know. But spiritual maya…what’s that?”
This book is written to kindle awareness and discernment in spiritual seekers for removing the many obstacles on the path.
“Swami’s miracles happen in many houses. Vibhuti, kumkum and idols manifest.
People go in search of these miracles, but this alone is not enough. They have to do
sadhana quietly and see God within.”
Gita Govindam Again
Part one
The feelings of Radha and Krishna, but the forms of Sri Vasantha Sai and Sathya Sai
Baba. The author gives new meaning to Jayadeva’s epic ‘Gitagovinda’, through the
example of her own separation from her Beloved Sai Krishna.
“Rasalila was performed on cool moonlit nights in Brindavan. But here at Mukthi
Nilayam it was performed under the midday sun. Truth and Love joined hands and
danced the rasalila. It was bliss…great bliss!”
Prema Sai Premavatar
Part one
This book is a window into the future life of the Avatar before His advent on earth.
Who are His parents? Where will He be born? Will He be married? When and how will He declare His Avatarhood? All these revelations and more…
“What great bliss to live with the physical form of the Avatar. How would it be if the
Lord who is worshipped in temples comes in a human form and lives with you? What a wonderful experience to be born in the family of the Avatar!”
Beyond the Upanishads
The Upanishads speak of the ancient wisdom as revealed to the sages. Sri Vasantha Sai opens new gates beyond these established truths. Is it possible to obtain liberation for all, removing the karmas and deep impressions of many births? Discover how the power of pure thought of a simple village woman is changing the world. It is transforming Kali yuga to the Age of Truth, Sathya yuga through a myriad ways like ‘Vasanthamayam, Dressed for Battle, Samskara Operation, Food Vidhya, Vishwagarbha...’
“We should realise that the love we have for others is in truth, the love for the Lord who resides in them. This is the secret of the One becoming the many.”
Beyond the Vedas - the Supreme Absolute.
Prema Sai Avatar
Part Two
What is beyond the Vedas? It is God, only God. This book shows how Truth emerges
from God and sustains the Creation. It is neither a story nor epic, it is an investigation into Truth. It is an invaluable guide, a storehouse of wisdom for all seekers.
“A desire surges within me that I must fully utilize the power of Sathya Sai’s Truth. He is the wish fulfilling tree. He can grant us whatever we wish. Should I seek ordinary things from Him? No! I shall use Him to remove the sorrows of the world. I must rescue everyone from the cycle of birth and death, the root cause of all sorrows.”
Principle of Becoming God
From time immemorial man has strived to know the ultimate Truth. Many great souls have come to guide humanity and showed different paths. Sri Vasantha Sai’s boundless love for Bhagavan Baba makes herself the path for one and all. The book shows how if one turns every feeling that arises within him towards God, he can create a New world of peace and joy.
“Life is as feelings are.”
The Establishment of Prema
Gita govindam
part Two
“What is the use of establishing Dharma without the foundation of Prema?”
See the power of love for God which questions the Avatar’s dharma.
Read, be uplifted and join in the Prema revolution that is transforming the Age.
“Swami, you call us embodiments of love because it is You who reside in us. Every
animal, bird, insect, all are embodiments of love. Now I understand the true meaning of Your words, ‘Love is My form’. All the forms that give me bliss are You! There is no object or place or life form, where Your beauty is not. This is why love arises for all.”
Shiva Shakthi Principle
A Declaration
Sri Vasantha Sai’s experiences are extraordinary as they show the ultimate union of the body, mind and soul with God. It is a union of each feeling, every moment, in all places with God. This is the Shiva Shakthi Principle. The author has also given her direct perception of the Mahavakyas.
The final declaration in the book is a supreme Truth that has not been revealed to man so far.
“Every human being has the power to attain God. There is Truth and Love in all. Truth is Shiva, Love is Shakthi. The union of these two is liberation.”
Last Seven days of God
Who can write about God’s final days on earth? Only the one to whom He Himself has revealed the secret. She is the one who wanted to marry God from childhood.
She is the one who is living in thoughts of God every moment and will merge into Him as a jyothi.
Sri Vasantha Sai writes about the lucid visions of last seven days of the Avatar. The truth in her words burns all traces of ignorance and propels one to the goal of liberation. The book is a call to the soul to return home!
“Karmic law only applies to ordinary man. I do not have any karma. I am born here only for God. I am doing penance to experience Him. What is the use of going to heaven without achieving this goal? I am saying, ‘liberation here itself right now’. I want the bliss of union with God here itself right now.”
Sai Digest - Prema Sai
part three
The boundaries of Truth are not restricted to time, place, name or form. Only the one who hungers to know the Lord, in His Absolute state, can show Him to others. The author cuts through codes of belief, which have limited man’s capacity to grasp Truth. The book prepares man for life in the Sathya Yuga.
“I drink only Sai nectar. I want it to fill all in the world. All in the world are my children. They are not able to digest the Truth that I eat; it is very difficult for them. First I will eat, digest and then give it to them in a form they can absorb easily.”
The Mukthi Stupi - Sceptre of Truth
This book records the history of the Mukthi Stupi that is built in Mukthi Nilayam Ashram, and chronicles its passage from the first vision the author had of it in 2002 to its birth on the physical plane in 2006. It reveals the Truth declared by the ancient sages regarding its construction and Universal significance. The book has a collection of stories connected with the Mukthi Stupi and answers many questions that the reader may have.
Essence of the Gita
Vedic Principles for meditation